ɽ ȸ j UID 71731 326 69 0809 2160 ˮ ʯ ʯ SSB 133 7 0 ¼ 0 K 30 E 327 S Ա ʱ ʱ ע ʱ 2011-1-10 david garett 2012-9-10 ¼
2012-7-7 david garett 20:34 JohnsonjSomebodi that I used for the MV Now and then I think when we were together zaһ ʱ Some Like It knew when you said you felt so happy you could die ˵ ˵ lҪ yourself said that you were right for me Լ Ƕ Ե ѡ But felt so lonely in your company david garett Ծ uμ But that was love and it's a pain I still remember our Ҳ ʹ can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation ij the end always david garett end κε So, when we found that we can not make sense g Ƿ ˴ ˼ 䲢 ʱ Well you said that we would still be friends ˵ aѰ But I'll admit that I was glad it was over Ҫҵ ʱ ҲΙ ˶ But you did not have to cut me 㲻 Some like it never happened In ʲ NҲuz And that we were nothing ʲ Oh and I do not even need your love But ҸҪI treat me like a stranger ȴ · һ And it was so rough Ҿa did not have to come down so low 㲻 ˱ Have your friends collect david garett your records ʰ A then change your number ¯ guess I do not need that though Now you're just ҲҲҪ someone I once knew Ϥ j it now and then I think of all the time screwed me over But zһҵŜ ʱ me believing it was always david garett something david garett I did not I uҲ I want to live that way Ҳ ٹ Reading into every word you say ˵ J. 仰 dm ˼ You said that you let ˵ Է θ And I would not catch you hung on to someone you used to know But you did not have to cut me㲻 Some like it never happened and that we were nothing ʲ ouҲ ϸ And I do not even need your love ҿ Բ ҪI But you treat me like a stranger ȴ · һ And it was so rough ҸeΙ did not have to be down so low 㲻 ˱ Let your friends collect your records And then ʰ change your number I guess that Z does not have to ҲҪ though Now you're just someone I knew Ϥ j ʶ I knew I knew ʶ Somebody S 1
ɽ ȸ j UID 71731 326 69 0809 2160 ˮ ʯ ʯ SSB 133 7 0 ¼ 0 K 30 E 327 S Ա ʱ ʱ ע ʱ 2011-1-10 2012-9-10 ¼
ɽ ȸ 2012-7-9 13:02 ༭ Y Valk off the Earth (μ) ˹ һѼGotieSomebodi that I used to know (Ϥ) ɵ ˣ Guo G
ɽѩa j UID 37387 5108 1478 10 363 30 597 2 ˮ ʯ ʯ SSB 1205 77 0 0 K ¼ E 2989 S 70 ʱ ʱ ע ʱ 2010-3-21 2012-8-30 ¼
ɽ ȸ j UID 71731 326 69 0809 2160 ˮ ʯ ʯ SSB 133 7 0 ¼ 0 K 30 E 327 S Ա ʱ ʱ ע ʱ 2011-1-10 2012-9-10 david garett ¼
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