Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shippers who have had enough barbara taylor bradford to sail back but that are allowed to use their

Now say again that there are too few regattas are organized in the Low Countries. Or if those regattas there though, they exist only for high tech yachts with a seasoned crew to do. Accountant Kees van der Vaart, becoming a phenomenon in the Zeeland waters, has two regattas pieced together that prove the opposite. From Colijnsplaat on Saturday, June 9, 2012 both the 'Solo' and 'Oldies' regatta streaked.
The solo sailing race This competition is organized for boaters their crews want to show that they can sail without them. For boaters who comments and unsolicited advice from their crew are tired. barbara taylor bradford For boaters who just sometimes only race to sail. Or just for boaters (again) not (sufficiently) crew.
They can on June 9, 2012 from Colijnsplaat join the Zeeland solo race 2012 and register with all types of cabin yachts, measured or unmeasured. The rules are simple and besides barbara taylor bradford the competition rules is that there can be dangers Spinnaker, an autopilot can be used, there is only one person on board may be and that pets are allowed (but they may or not send). barbara taylor bradford
Until the moment of the start of the line must be used and the engine above force 6 Bft there is no danger. barbara taylor bradford Application and enrollment can for June 7. For more details and online registration surf your best to The registration fee is 10 Euro.
Oldies Oldies or race To the older boats with skippers a chance to win a game is on June 9, 2012 from Colijnsplaat the Oldies 2012 race hazards. For skippers barbara taylor bradford and crew who believe that their boat a little too old, or that their boat through barbara taylor bradford its design and equipment in modern racing no chance to win. For the classic sailors who want to sail without competition from ultra modern boats with sails of 3D karbon or other modern composites.
Shippers who have had enough barbara taylor bradford to sail back but that are allowed to use their love racing sailboat built in 1984 or earlier. To the mast or the forestay may only be made of Dacron sails excited or for the real original Oldies cotton.

only such boats participating, all skippers another chance to win. For that opportunities still fairer it is not allowed or paid professional crew (according to ISAF rules) to take. In style the participation fee * 2 guilders) per meter length of the boat. Application and enrollment can for June 7. For more details and online registration surf again best to
08.04.2012 - 21:50
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